Would you like to help the UK EQUATOR Centre test a new way to help you write up your research for publication?



You can help by joining the GRReaT Study (GoodReports Randomized Trial).

The UK EQUATOR Centre is developing and testing personalised resources to help you write a complete and transparent research article. All resources are powered by reporting guidelines.

You are eligible to take part in the GRReaT study if: -

  • You are currently in the early or planning stage of writing up a healthcare-related research study for publication in a medical journal.
  • Your study involves the use of descriptive and/or inferential statistics
  • You are the lead author
  • You can commit to submit a publication-ready manuscript to the GRReaT research team within 6-12 months of joining the trial

We are recruiting authors of papers reporting the following study designs: -

  • cohort study
  • case-control study
  • cross sectional study
  • systematic review (of a healthcare intervention)
  • randomised trial

NB: If you are writing a protocol or a type of study not listed above, such as qualitative research, a systematic review of qualitative or non-interventional research, a case report, or a case series, you are not eligible to take part in this trial. However, guidance on reporting all these types of study can be found on the EQUATOR Network website